Pregiya : Pregnancy & Parenting App
Pregiya : Pregnancy &
Parenting App
With user-centered approach, the goal was to create an intuitive experience for effortless pregnancy care interface while incorporating ease with usage based upon soon to be mothers, or parents for their parenting of their new-borns with Pregiya.
With user-centered approach, the goal was to create
an intuitive experience for effortless pregnancy care
interface while incorporating ease with usage based
upon soon to be mothers, or parents for their
parenting of their new-borns with Pregiya.
With user-centered approach, the goal was to create an intuitive experience for effortless pregnancy
care interface while incorporating ease with usage based upon soon to be mothers, or parents for
their parenting of their new-borns with Pregiya.
Pregiya is the modern assistant for soon-to-be-moms and moms to care for
their infants or during pregnancy, monitoring their health and other reports.
Pregiya is the modern assistant for soon-to-be-moms
and moms to care for their infants or during pregnancy,
monitoring their health and other reports.
Pregiya is the modern assistant for soon-to-be-
moms and moms to care for their infants or
during pregnancy, monitoring their health and
other reports.
Health & Fitness
Health & Fitness
Company size
Company size
Done by Imaginerix, supervised by you :)
Done by Imaginerix, supervised by you :)
With user-centered approach, the goal was to create not just an intuitive design but a returning, better scalable and prolific user journey of the product, that would make the founders happy and more importantly - the users fulfilled :)
With user-centered approach, the goal was to create
not just an intuitive design but a returning, better
scalable and prolific user journey of the product,
that would make the founders happy and more
importantly - the users fulfilled :)
With user-centered approach, the goal was to create not just an intuitive design but a returning,
better scalable and prolific user journey of the product, that would make the founders happy and
more importantly - the users fulfilled :)